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- How do you prefer to be referred to?
- How old are you?
- What gender do you identify as?
- Where do you live?
- What level of education have you completed?
- Do you align with a particular political party? If so, which one and why?
- How do your political beliefs impact your views on politics, society and the world?
- Do you align with a particular religious belief? If so, which one and why?
- How do your religious beliefs impact your views on politics, society and the world?
- Are you involved in any community organizations? If so, which one(s) and why?
- What is your profession?
- How long have you been doing this type of work?
- What does an average day look like for you in your line of work?
- What made you want to pursue it?
- What is the hardest part of the job, and what is the most rewarding aspect?
- Do you do any other jobs/work that you don’t consider to be part of your primary profession but contribute to your overall income and activities?
- What technologies do you use in order to accomplish your daily duties?
- What technologies do you use on a daily basis that may or may not contribute to your profession?
- Do you listen to the radio? If so, where? What type of programming do you listen to the most and why?
- Do you use social media? If so, what platforms do you use the most and why?
- Do you listen to the radio or use social media during the times you are working at your job? If so, explain how such uses work within the confines of your duties?
- How often do you consume news?
- What types of news stories do you prefer to consume (e.g., politics, sports, weather, crime, economy, general, et cetera)?
- Do you read newspapers or magazines? If so, what types of outlets do you consume?
- Do you listen to news or talk radio? If so, what programs do you gravitate toward?
- Do you get news from social media? If so, how much of the news you consume comes from social media, and what platform provides you with the most news and information?
- How often do you share news you consume with family and friends, whether it came from social media or not, and how do you share it (via social media, in conversation, or something else)?
- How open-minded would you describe yourself? Do you change your mind easily or stay firm in your stance in most situations? Please explain.
- What impact does the news you consume have on your beliefs, opinions and perspectives of the world in terms of politics, society and other aspects of daily life?
- How do you describe the news media? Why?
- Describe your level of trust with the news media. Are there certain outlets you trust more than others? If so, what are they and why do you turn to them more often as trusted sources of information?
- Are you more likely to trust local news outlets or national news outlets? Why?
- How often do you believe the news media is accurate?
- How often do you believe the news media is inaccurate?
- Do you believe disinformation is a problem in society? Why or why not?
- Who seems to be the most likely to spread disinformation? Please explain.
- Have you ever spread disinformation via interpersonal communication or social media? Please explain.
- Do you think the news media spreads misinformation? Why or why not?
- Have you ever spread misinformation via interpersonal communication or social media? Please explain.
- Have you ever believed a certain piece of information and found out later that it was inaccurate? Please explain.
- Have you ever believed a certain piece of information and continued to believe it despite evidence suggesting it was inaccurate? Please explain.
- When you encounter information you know is false, do you take steps to correct it or ignore it? Please explain.
- How likely are you to believe a piece of information if it is relayed to you (via the news media or social media) if it comes from an outlet or individual you believe to be trustworthy or otherwise contain expertise in the subject matter? Please explain.
- What causes you to not believe a source of information? Please explain.
- Do you tend to believe, what others might classify as, conspiracy theories in general or any conspiracy theories in particular? Please explain.
- Are you involved in your community? Please explain.
- How important is being involved in the community to you? Please explain.
- How involved in politics are you? Please explain.
- Do you put political signs on your property? Please explain.
- Do you share political messages or opinions on social media? Please explain.
- Are you more likely to vote in local elections, state elections, or national elections?
- Do you feel you are most informed about local politics, state politics, or national politics? Please explain.
- What type of news and information do you consume to be informed about politics?
- How would you describe your level of trust in politicians?
- How would you describe your level of trust in the government?
- How would you describe the importance of journalism?
- How would you describe the importance of community journalism?
- If given the opportunity to contribute to news coverage of your community, how would you do so and what types of news would you push to see more of?
- Is there anything else you would like to add on this topic that we haven’t covered?